Residential Roofing Replacement

Quality Roofing Construction

Protect your sanctuary with Iowa Construction & Remodeling’s transparent residential roof replacement services. Whether you’re a homeowner witnessing the tell-tale signs of an aging roof, grappling with the aftermath of severe weather, or a home builder seeking to infuse quality and style into your projects, we understand the urgency of your needs.

A robust, well-crafted roof is more than just an investment in your property—it’s a commitment to safety, energy efficiency, and aesthetic excellence. Our skilled team is dedicated to delivering swift, seamless solutions, ensuring that every shingle, tile, or panel is meticulously placed to meet the highest standards of durability and design.

Roof Replacement or Repair?

Each situation is unique, and it’s important to consult with a professional to determine whether a roof repair or replacement is the best option. Here are some common reasons for a residential roof replacement:

Age of Roof

Most roofs have a specific lifespan, depending on the materials used. If a roof is past its expected lifespan, it might be time for a replacement to prevent potential leaks or other problems.

Energy Efficiency

Older roofs might not have the energy-efficient benefits of newer roofing systems. Replacing an old roof can improve home insulation and reduce heating and cooling costs.

Widespread Damage

If there are widespread issues such as major leaks, numerous missing or broken shingles or tiles, or significant storm damage, it might be more cost-effective to replace the entire roof rather than repair it.

Moss, Mold, or Fungi Growth

Extensive growth of moss, mold, or fungi can be a sign of trapped moisture and decay under the roof. If it’s widespread, it might be more prudent to replace the roof.

Sagging Roof

A sagging roof is a serious issue that often indicates structural problems. It’s usually safer and more economical in the long run to replace a sagging roof rather than attempt extensive repairs.

Home Renovation or Remodel

Sometimes a new roof is part of a larger home renovation or remodel plan, especially if you want to significantly change the exterior appearance or style of your home.

Severe Weather Damage

After extreme weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, or severe hailstorms, the damage may be so extensive that a roof replacement is necessary.

Improving Home Value

If you’re considering selling your home, a new roof can improve curb appeal, increase the property’s value, and help the home sell faster.